Wednesday, June 1, 2011

steamed custard cake

me and cooking are like, earphone and roses. they don't go together. just simply don't.

but one day, after browsing through hundreds of recipes in teacher Hawa's blog, i decided that i can make one lousy cake. i mean, how hard can a cake be? (cakap besar di situ)

and so today, armed with all the ingredients i bought yesterday at TMC, at approximately 9.00am, i started my journey from a girl (who doesn't know how to cook AT ALL) to a semi-woman (who knows how to bake now^^).

(c & p the recipes from teacher Hawa's blog. tq soooooo....... much! i luv u;))

  • 125 gram mentega
  • 1/3 cawan gula halus @ gula kastor
  • 1 biji telur gred A
  • 3/4 cawan tepung naik sendiri (self raising flour)
  • 1/2 cawan tepung kastard
  • 1/2 camca teh esen vanilla

  • 1 camca besar tepung kastard
  • 1 camca besar gula kastor
  • 2/3 cawan susu segar
  • 15 gram mentega (kurang lebih 1 camca teh)
  • 2 camca teh esen vanilla


1. UNTUK KASTARD :- Satukan semua bahan untuk kastard kecuali mentega dan esen vanilla. Kacau rata dengan whisk dan masak dengan api perlahan sambil terus dikacau hingga pekat. Padam api, tambah mentega dan esen vanilla, kacau rata dan biar sejuk. Ketepikan.
2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 175C, lenser tin bulat saiz 7 inci. Ketepikan.
3. Putar mentega dengan gula halus hingga berkrim, masuk telur dan putar hingga kembang. Tambah esen vanilla. Perlahankan kelajuan, masukkan tepung naik sediri + tepung kastard sedikit demi sedikit hingga habis. Gaul rata.
4. Masukkan 1/2 adunan ke dalam bekas yang telah disediakan, ratakan dan buat sedikit lubang ditengah2nya. Tuang kastard, ratakan dan tutup dengan baki adunan, ratakan dan bakar selama 30 minit atau hingga masak. <- saya kukus 
5. Sejukkan sebelum dihidangkan. Jika suka boleh ayak gula aising atas permukaan kek sebagai penyeri...Selamat mencuba!!!

(for those of you who doesn't understand Malay, please use Google translate. & no, this ad is not sponsored by Google)

in the 'loyang' (container)

tadaaaahh....... but it's very fragile. can't hold its shape thus the misshapen 'blob' on the plate...:(

anyway, my Ma and Ayah gave thumbs up so i feel a little relaxed at the very fragile steamed cake. Ma even said i can bake one during our coming Hari Raya Aidilfitri. wuuhuuu....that's a big honor. thanks Ma;)

cooking is fun. never thought i'd say that one day. 

(tecnically, what i did was baking but it fell in the same category right? hihi)


tun_telani said...

whaaaa......... clap! clap!! usually people will choose choc cake as their 1st cake coz its the easiest =) hihi.... CTC ni kalau kerat panas2 mmg hancur. try eggless choc cake, its the best so far (for me laa.. i just LOOOOVE it, n can swallow the whole cake. haha..). always let your cake cool 1st b4 removing it, kalau x mmg melekat kat loyang. for choc cake n friut cake, leave it overnight before serving, baru sedap =)
going to bangkok on sunday to present my research paper.. wish me luck ^^

Husna Mohamed said...

oohhh.... kena tunggu sejuk betul2 la maknanya? hihi. ni kes x sabar nak rasa first cake sebenarnya.... XD
ada prasaan nk test eggles choc cake tu. kalau kukus jadi x? rumah tade oven yg boleh control temp dia.. oven dapur je. hihi.

good luck! i know you can do it;)

tun_telani said...

husna, tchr suka guna oven dapur. lagi2 yg kaler itam cap butterfly tu. kalau nk guna, buka api kecik. tunggu sampai jarum dia kat 180 gitu. lbh kurang laaa.. kalau api besar, jarum smp 200 tu kompom hangus. eggless choc cake tu dpt loyang kecik je. kalau guna loyang standard 8-9inch guna 2 aduanan =)

selamat menjadi wanita.. kui kui...

tq dear.. luv you ^^

Husna Mohamed said...

owh...ok. tq tcer. x sabar nk try!

luv u too;)

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