Kak Farah was my senior back in secondary school. she's one of the nicest person i've come across in this world. we still keep in touch but hardly see each other because she's now in Jakarta, doing what she does best; medic and i'm here, doing what i love most :).
i first met her when i was in form 1 and she was in form 4. i saw her outside her dorm room and was tying her shoelaces, ready for school. the first thought that came to my head was:
"That's Kak Farah the talk of the school? (she was one of the best students) She seems mean."
can you believe my first impression of her? like 360 degree the opposite.
come next year, we were shuffled into different dorm rooms and to my dismay, i got Kak Farah as one of my roommates (it was 8 students per room back then). but slowly, my impression of her changed when she became one of the closest roommate ever. it really struck me that she really is a nice person (not mean like how i made it up in my mind for a year) when she waited for me, everyday in our room, so that we can have lunch together. at the time, she always got out of class earlier than me but she'd wait until my class is over and then proceed to the cafeteria.
and the list of nice things that she did didn't end there but for now that's all i remember.
to KF, i kept these pieces of you all these years. now i don't know if it'll stay kept (my mum has the tendency to throw out things in the house people don't touch for more than five years) so i scanned it so that me, you and other people who cares can see it too:)
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she gave this when she was leaving school (i.e. leaving me) |
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^ Assalamualaikum. Laparlah. tp nak buat camne. Just kidding. I want 2 study Chemistry. How about u? However, don't waste your time because time & tide wait for no men. =) Kak Farah.
^ The last message 4 you.. 4 this week. Assalamualaikum.... Husna, check beg duit cukup x duit, kalau x cukup Kak Farah x tahu. -semoga dapat menempuhi 'black out' everyday! Mmm, Kak Farah sebenarnya suka gi kem tp minggu nie balik lah pulak. Husna jugak y best balik tiap2 minggu. Tak aci betul 'baby genius' nie. Ok lah nak gi study nie nanti 'black out' pulak... -I wish u good luck & happy always. =) farah
^ Assalamualaikum. - smoge cepat sembuh! -you make my life happy & meaningful besides full of sweet memories. Mlm nie Kak Farah study lewat sampai pkl 12.. kalau Husna x sihat, tidur jelah... ok! =) Kak Farah (x yah bls xpe, bazir kertas cute Husna je!)
^ To: Husna comei. Assalamualaikum. There is nothing that I wanna say BUT... 1. smile always. 2. complete ur homework. 3. happy go lucky. its me, Farah.
^ Assalamualaikum buat Husna y disayangi,
Kak Farah nak mintak maaf psl semalam. Kak Farah tahu Husna kecil hati dgn Kak Farah. Sorrylah sbb Kak farah x sengaja ok! Tolong maafkan Kf sbb Kak Farah rasa x tenang kalau sakitkan hati org. Anyway, it's up to you because only u know what u feel. Same as you, I'm also really appreciate ur appearance in my life.
Husna, doakan Kak Farah slmt pergi & slmt balik. Jgn sedih2, minggu nie kan Husna balik. Kak Farah jugak y kena 'kelas p'sediaan luar ngr'. Sbr je lah.
Balik rumah nanti, jgn lupa mandi, do your homework & revision besides don't forget to pray. Remember 8A PMR 2007.
Thn dpn mungkin kita xkan jumpe lg sbb Kak Farah hanya gi skolah untuk ambil result SPM & uruskan borang2 matrik.
Walaubagaimanapun, Kak Farah akan sentiasa m'doakan kejayaan Husna sbb Husna mmg sentiasa ada dlm hati Kak Farah.
Kak Farah rase thn nielah thn y paling best Kak Farah duduk kat hostel sbb ade Husna y ceriakan hari2 Kak Farah.
Kalau 'black out' nanti, suruh Yana temankan.
That's all sincerely from me, -Farah- 11 A1 SPM 2006
she wrote that letter because of a small disagreement we had. i don't remember what happened but base on the letter, i guess i was acting like a child. haha. sorry about that, KF :)