Thursday, February 12, 2009

Read up. How is it for a 17-year-old student?

Time. A very interesting word that stands by itself and represents something invisible but measureable. Invisible? Yes, I would say time is invisible because have you see a 'time'? Never, I presume, and no, a watch or a clock is not time. They are instruments created to measure time. Magnificent human. They can measure something invisible.

What time means to you? As for me, a not-so-prepared and scared-to-death SPM candidate for 2009, time is the most valueable thing. It tells me of how short it is until I meet my destiny; the examination of the terrifying SPM. It tells me how much hours I have got left to do my study, revision, exercise, extra exercise, co-curricular activities and study. I mentioned 'study' two times to strengthen my point. For this year, that is about it. The meaning of time for me.

How about a grandmother? What would time mean for her, a woman who has suceeded as a student, a successful woman in her youth, an excellent worker and climbed the corporate ladder faster than anyone else, an obedient wife, raised five splendid children, two of them married and gave her three beautiful grandchildren. What would time mean for her now that she has it all? I would say that she is done and satisfied. Now it is time for her to rest after such a tiring life. But who knows, what would she say?

Timing is everything. Have you heard of that? I do not think that it is a saying but when you think about it, it is true. If timing is not everything, how come there is a saying 'in the nick of time'? I mean, if you are so close to be in an accident, for someone to grab your arm and pull you away from the danger would not it be a great timing? Or, you can use it in a synical way such as when you were just about to spoon yourself a great chicken soup that your mother made and was also your favourite, your friend called. And you would murmur, "Great timing" to yourself, which has absolutely the opposite meaning.

To be honest, I do not know why I chose this topic. Or maybe I do? Perhaps the ego of a
one-word is a factor. Time. It is very interesting. Ego? Yes. Because time can be misunderstood or manipulated, but time is essential for everybody. The reason is because time means you are alive. You are still breathing and ready to take any life's challenges.

Please do not take me wrongly. Some of us do not even care about time. They are called mental patients. Can you imagine living in a world where time does not matter? You will ask "What time is it?" and people will reply "Don't care." Ever thought about it? I don't. Because that would be The Hereafter. Chilly topic, is it not? But on the second thought, what would mental patients think about time? Perhaps if their mental is not that corrupted, they would think about when is it the time for them to break free from the mental hospital.

However, time does have its own meaning for all of us. Regardless of your own, personal meaning of time. When we were borned, our countdown to death has started. The clock of death has begun its ticking some years ago. For me, it would be 16 years, seven months and 17 days ago. It is scary to think that time for us will come to an end but while that fateful ending is still on its way, live your life to the fullest because time is limited.

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