I would like to dedicate thousands of sweet-smelling thank-yous to;
Ayah, Ma, Kak Long, Angah, Kak Lang and her hubby, Abang De and Kak Chik. For numerous reasons which powerless human I am would not be able to name it all or pay it back no matter what. I know I haven't been the easiest to be taken care of and for that I am eternally sorry. Without you I am nothing. Thank you.
To name a few, to name all of them! Guys, I can't. You know I can't. Just know that you are always close to my heart. I am thankful everyday that I didn't leave the school last year because this year turned out to be the bestest year! (forget grammars, artist at work here) Let's not let it end here, alright? ~kawin jangan luper anta kad...ngeee...^-^
Arigato gozaimasu, sensei! You made me a superhuman. Borned from superhumans! I've been a student for straight 12 years. Imagine how many thank-you cards I have to send out... For every alphabet I have become so close to, for every numbers that I do not adore so much but have helped me throughout my life, for every new formula, for telling me how the human digestive system works, how to find momentum, how to calculate the concentration of lead(II) sulphate and a vast of other things that I will have to buy my own server to write it all. Deeds are beyond words.
xxxspecial credit for: SMK Chukai a.k.a Terengganu Premier Chukai Excellent School
-what a place!
-keep holding memories for pure souls that keeps pouring
-be as sweet as you always are
-so long!
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