Friday, October 15, 2010

mood: excited!

i intended to be fully sincere when i decided to be one of the usher for the debate competition.

turns out my old can't-be-in-a-new-group-of-people-without-falling-for-a-man disease struck again.

i know i should stop doing that.

ac's quote, "you fall all the time."

to which i replied, "i fall in and fall out easily. you should try it sometimes."


i know i should stop doing that. may Allah have mercy on me..T.T

however, quoting ar-long; "kito mari sini, (walaupun patutnyo satu tujue jah), ado duo tujue. nok buat degree so, so lagi nok cari...".

(seriously, it ends like that)

so, people.
he's cute.
smiles all the time.
in his final year.
doing maths [which is good, i don't want my kids to hate maths like i do - so if my better-half likes maths, chances are my kids (at least, some. i hope - wah, bunyi dia da macam anak lima!!! ^^) will like maths as well].
speaks Malay like he's Faisal Tehrani (well, that is exaggerating).

did i mention that he's cute?


but maybe it's kind of like a 'balasan' for me because i was laughing at my bro's thinning hair (i'm still laughing 'till today but in full support of his treatment - may it work bro;)) and suddenly, i fall for a guy with the same head condition.

pretty serious fall now, won't you say so?


i'd say falling is not a bad thing.

but if i'm serious, now i'd have to be like jaja looking for her ustaz din. and i don't have that kind of boldness. i'm just me. nothing like jaja and her bravery.

credit photo:,
*jaja&din is by Noor Suraya

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