but you should always tell the truth. and here's some tough love for equal-righteous Malaysians out there.
i really don't feel comfortable picking a fight with anyone. especially with strangers who feel the right to voice their opinions out loud. just because they've chosen to let people know, doesn't always mean they are right. or correct.
you talk about unity, about equal rights. i read somewhere that this woman says DrM and UMNO screwed up Tunku Abdul Rahman's concept of unity. well was it different? there was a time before DrM "rules the land", the concept of unity was different?
i don't wanna talk about that because i have no knowledge about it. as far as i'm concern, the concept of unity was more or less, the same. where did it go wrong?
i really, really don't wanna sound like a Malay supremacist (like a white supremacist? i've watched The Help starring the pretty Emma Stone) but if, IF, Malays don't fight for their own ketuanan Melayu in their own Tanah Melayu, who's gonna fight for them? i'm a Malay myself so i sound a little bit supremacist-like now don't i? so how about anyone crack open the book written by Dr. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah Nasib Melayu di Bumi Melayu and then you'll know better. (here's a link, go buy one http://mphonline.com/books/nsearchdetails.aspx?&pcode=9789676124210). as you may have already know, the writer of the book is a Chinese. so there really is no question of Malay-supremacy in his writings. except of course those vicious slanders people say about him - which are ridiculous because hey, he's a Chinese for God sake.
to those who are too lazy to go find the book or have decided in their heads that it's not worth their time, well i'll say it here then.
and now i'm talking directly to the Malays. no i'm not racist. i love my "Malaysian" friends (i can't use the term "races" like "friends from other races" because that woman that i talked about before, she demanded that we use the term "Malaysians" which is fine by me) and i am good friends with some of them.
we Malays, WE, do not hold this country's ECONOMIC power. ponder on that for a while.
so if we don't hold POLITICAL power, what do we have then?
(this is the 'tough love' part) we have to realize straight up that the Chinese are holding the economic power of this country. and we have to realize that with the economic power, they can bring the whole country down if they want to. just think of one day of Chinese New Year when all the business owned by the Chinese closed down. it's a ghost town from i where i came from. and i live in a town where the Malays are the majority of the population. that is saying something.
just...what is us without politics? i'm going to have to ask you to look at the Malays in Singapore. i don't know about you but i know Singapore was a setting for a lot of allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee's movies. surely that means Singapore was majorly populated by Malays? so..umm... where are they now? never heard a Malay is the Prime Minister for Singapore. it's been three Chinese from the first prime minister and they are all from the same party. nobody gives a rat's ass.
it's simple logic. i don't even know a lot about what's going on in Singapore and i can make that connection.
i want Malaysians to unite, i do. to become one. to have all Malaysians speak PERFECT Malay and no discrimination between the races. like how the Chinese in Indonesia doesn't call themselves "Chinese", they call themselves "Indonesians". or the Chinese in Thailand too.
why haven't we been able to be totally, unequivocally united?
let me ask (anyone who read this) something that has been bugging me for a few months already:
why do we still have vernacular school? i'm a future teacher so i know for a fact that vernacular schools still exist. sure the name is not "vernacular" anymore (like when we were under British's colonization), it's "Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan @ SJK". we are the ONLY COUNTRY in the WORLD which still has different school for different races. that's a bit racist don't you think? is it the government which is still very much discriminating the races by segregating the schools?
NO. or else we wouldn't have the word "kebangsaan" in every school's name. we would only have "sekolah rendah"s and "sekolah menengah"s (primary and secondary school, respectively).
truth is, if we want to be united, we should start early. from the very start of life. you say we are not united as one? try and unite our schools first, then we can talk.
p/s: i am not saying that the government is 100%, all-time correct on their track record. i mean come on, this year's independence day theme? it's a bad joke. among other things.