the preparation though, did not take little time and i lost my patience around the second week of the rehearsal.
okay, let me start over.
i actually managed to ducked out of the range from being involved with the said production at the beginning. me and jie, we both did. however, i don't know what happened but it happened; jie was sucked into the 'black hole' of preparation month.
and mir, my roommate. at first, i thought it's going to be cool (i mean, i'll just wait for the performance night). but i'm actually a lot *small* at heart. can't stand their rehearsal (up until 2am ~ i'm a 'penakut', truth to be told) so i decided to follow them (mir and jie, and sometimes arlong~^-^) one time. my first time showing up was their last rehearsal at dewan al-khindi (smaller hall, that is).
after that, they were doing their rehearsal at dewan bendehara (bIG hall that one). not that it affect me in any way, but after the first time showing up, i can't help it but to keep showing up (and keep helping, without realizing). mir was all happy, of course; now she has someone to accompany her in case jie or arlong decided not to go.
another thing that keeps me coming (aside from the fact that i'm a 'penakut') was the cast. they're sooOOO.... talented. seriously. (especially ayah and mak, hehe;p). it kept me happy just to watch their acting. sounds weird, i know, but it's the truth. and the whole cast made the production a great reality.
the thought to snap some pics last night did not occured to me until the end of the production and all i managed was some pics of one of the aniki (brother~encik usopp) that helped guided us throughout this long, tiring but satisfying journey. arigato gozaimasu:))~~owh, abg sidek too;)
all in all, the drama was fun-eff-tastic. fantastic!
p/s: lain kali nak buat lagi tak cik mir? hehe;p
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